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Data outside the survey area

There are tsObj files in DR2 which have no or few primary objects in the target version because they lie outside the lambda limits in a number of stripes (they have been made primary in the best version). As a consequence, querying the target photometry catalogs for primary objects in this part of the sky will not return any objects, although they do exist in the database.

Here is the list of fields which have no or few primary objects in target.

stripe 10:
    run   fields
    1239  11-33
    756   41-63
    745   534-609
    752   636-711
stripe 12:
    run   fields
    2125  13-32
    2126  11-29
stripe 34:
    run   fields
    2131  17-34
    2137  47-64
stripe 35:
    run   fields
    2328  168-179
    2305  168-180
stripe 36:
    run   fields
    2248  263-274
    2335  136-148
stripe 37:
    run   fields
    1350  20-23
    1402  11-14

Another thing to watch out for is that the mu limits in the tsChunk*.par files will therefore extend beyond the survey lambda limits. A consequence is that the mask csv's, which use these mu limits, will extend beyond the lambda limits as well.

Last modified: Mar 8 2004