Root Directories

All data locations are relative to a root directory.

Production Directories

Imaging Data Directories

Name:imagingRoot/$run/$rerun where Each $run/$rerun may have the following directories:

Spectro Data Directories

Name for 2d pipeline outputs: spectroRoot/2d_$rerun/$plate where Name for 1d pipeline outputs: 1d_$rerun/$plate where Each 1d_$rerun/$plate has the following directories: Name for photo measurements of spectro targets: 3d_$rerun/$plate where Each 3d_$rerun/$plate has the following directories: Directory of clean spectroscopic sample data: ss_$rerun/$plate and ss_tar_$rerun/$plate.tar.gz where The plPlugMapM files should be found in 2d_$rerun, 1d_$rerun and ss_$rerun. Last resort, look in spectroRoot/speclog. There the sdReport may be found, as well. There is one directory for each MJD. Note that there can potentially be a different MJD for plugging and observing. You have to look in the header of the spSpec or spPlate files to find the plugfile.

Target Data Directories

Name:targetRoot/stripe$stripe_mu$mu_$skyVersion where $stripe is the stripe number (format %d), $mu is the starting mu (format %6d), and $skyVersion is the sky version (format %d):

Best Data Directories

Name:bestRoot/stripe$stripe_mu$mu_$skyVersion where $stripe is the stripe number (format %d), $mu is the starting mu (format %6d), and $skyVersion is the sky version (format %d):

Tiling Data Directories

Name:tilingRoot/$stripe$stripe_mu$mu_$skyVersion where $stripe is the stripe number (format %d), $mu is the starting mu (format %6d), and $skyVersion is the sky version (format %d), which is always 0 (targeted sky) for this tiling information.

Imaging CSV Directories

Spectro CSV Directories

Tiling CSV Directories

CSV Directory Structure Layout JPG Image

Figure 1. The directory structure layout for the CSV files.