The following table describes the contents of
the DRsup (Data Release Supplemental) imaging runs.
the Key to the column headers is:

Run:   Run
Rerun: Rerun
Stpe:  Stripe
S:     Strip (North or South or Overlap (1/2 way between N and S))
mu0:   survey mu of the beginning of the run
mu1:   survey mu of the end of the run
All run have nu limits of approximately -1.25 to 1.25 degrees.
f0:    First field archived  (camcols 1-6 inclusive)
nF:    number of fields archived  (camcols 1-6 inclusive)
Comment:  What does this point at on the sky, and what are the node and
	inclination in the great circle coordinate system 
	of the stripe that this data is on.  Using
	a mu between mu0 and mu1 and setting nu=0, one can determine the RA,DEC
	of these runs by converting from great circle coordinates using the formula of
	Stoughton et al. 2002 AJ 123, 485 as listed in section 3.2.2 (where 95 degrees
	is replaced by the 'node(stripe)' below throughout).

Run  Re Stpe S mu0      mu1   f0  nF   Comments

3366 20  100 N  21.77  40.19  14 123    M31 North strip  node=342.87 incl=62.0
3367 20  100 S  21.26  40.27  11 127    M31 South strip  node=342.87 incl=62.0

4828 40 1100 N 250.03 333.87  39 560    SEGUE l=50 deg   node=136.8133 incl=31.7023
4832 40 1100 S 294.16 333.92  316 267   SEGUE l=50 deg   node=136.8133 incl=31.7023

4134 40 1220 N 267.97 326.96  11 394    SEGUE l=110 deg  node=181.94043 incl=69.709976
4135 40 1220 S 297.20 341.37  11 295    SEGUE l=110 deg  node=181.94043 incl=69.709976
4144 40 1220 S 274.70 301.65  11 180    SEGUE l=110 deg  node=181.94043 incl=69.709976
4152 40 1220 N 323.83 349.88  11 174    SEGUE l=110 deg  node=181.94043 incl=69.709976

3610 40   61 N  25.19  45.10  15 133    Perseus-Pisces cluster scans
3629 40   61 N  28.45  46.12  11 118    node(stripe 61) = 95 deg, incl(61) = -52.5
3628 40   61 S  24.88  46.14  24 142    node(stripe 61) = 95 deg, incl(61) = -52.5
3634 40   62 N  24.20  45.16  22 140    node(stripe 62) = 95 deg, incl(62) = -50.0
3643 40   62 S  28.98  45.30  11 109    node(stripe 62) = 95 deg, incl(62) = -50.0

4800 40 1260 N  29.65  60.34  11 205    SEGUE l=130 deg
4829 40 1260 S  26.77  74.98  11 322    node(1260)=196.095416 incl(1260)=276.287176

4851 40   72 N 357.35 373.67  11 109    SEGUE stripe 72
4836 40   72 S 307.30 377.37  11 468    node(stripe 72) = 95 deg, incl(72) = -25.0
  94 40   82 N 336.58 415.76  12 529   Extra Repeat Stripe 82 Runs
 125 40   82 S 350.47 436.64  11 576   For all stripe 82 runs, 
1033 40   82 N 318.62 353.65  11 234   node(82) = 95 deg, incl(82) = 0.0 deg
1056 40   82 S 325.92 359.02  12 221
1752 40   82 N  26.76  76.62  40 333
1755 40   82 S 314.69 406.02  74 610
1894 40   82 S  32.64  57.35  11 165
2385 40   82 N 307.38 320.86  11  90
2570 40   82 N  23.07  41.18 100 121
2578 40   82 N  37.37  59.97  60 151
2579 40   82 S  43.42  58.25  51  99
2583 40   82 S 307.39 341.08  30 225
2585 40   82 S 328.12 340.99  11  86
2589 40   82 N  27.26  60.95  81 225
2649 40   82 N 345.64 368.84  26 155
2650 40   82 N   5.15  29.85  11 165
2659 40   82 N 308.25 324.12  48 106
2662 40   82 N 320.33 383.06  18 419
2677 40   82 N   9.26  31.57  38 149
2700 40   82 N  23.35  61.52  22 255
2708 40   82 N 347.44 384.26  25 246
2709 40   82 S  23.45  58.94  25 237
2728 40   82 N 320.57 392.28 150 479
2738 40   82 N  14.88  60.39  18 304
2768 40   82 N 344.00 375.74  26 212
2820 40   82 N  23.28  59.81  22 244
2855 40   82 N  20.72  29.11  11  56
2861 40   82 N  34.16  63.35  13 195
2873 40   82 N  21.76  60.09  55 256
2886 40   82 S  21.47  59.80  53 256
2960 40   82 S  81.66  93.04  45  76
2968 40   82 N  81.51  93.04  11  77
3355 40   82 S  20.35  60.03  11 265
3362 40   82 N  21.44  55.13  11 225
3384 40   82 N 307.37 421.45  18 762
3388 40   82 S 313.75 420.49  11 713
3427 40   82 S 312.12 329.78  28 118
3430 40   82 S  22.03  37.75  13 105
3434 40   82 S 311.30 393.34  28 548
3437 40   82 N 311.24 383.54  18 483
3438 40   82 S  31.60  60.05  11 190
3460 40   82 S  22.48  60.06  25 251
3461 40   82 N  43.75  59.92  11 108
3465 40   82 S 326.80 379.05  11 349
4128 40   82 N 343.15 420.11  11 514
4136 40   82 S  28.86  59.55  11 205
4145 40   82 S 345.10 420.55  11 504
4153 40   82 N 344.74 370.49  11 172
4157 40   82 N  20.20  60.03  11 266
4184 40   82 N 306.23 348.45  31 282
4187 40   82 S 309.25 324.67  11 103
4188 40   82 N 345.13 366.69  11 144
4192 40   82 S 308.31 381.96  11 492
4198 40   82 N 307.41 419.83  11 751
4203 40   82 S 304.26 420.13  33 774
4207 40   82 N 305.97 420.04  11 762
4247 40   82 S 345.31 376.45  11 208
4253 40   82 N 345.39 371.14  11 172
4263 40   82 S 344.28 412.69  11 457
4288 40   82 S  20.24  45.39  11 168
4797 40   82 N 307.44 334.39  11 180
4874 40   82 N 298.57 446.78  11 990
4930 40   82 S 302.96 360.60  11 385
5042 40   82 S  19.39  59.96  11 271
5052 40   82 S 345.31 384.53  11 262