#This SM script will generate a list of unresolved objects from the #tsObj files. This is an example script to illustrate the reading of #tsObj files. #Flags for primary target define TARGET_QSO_HIZ 0 define TARGET_QSO_CAP 1 define TARGET_QSO_SKIRT 2 define TARGET_QSO_FIRST_CAP 3 define TARGET_QSO_FIRST_SKIRT 4 define TARGET_QSO_MAG_OUTLIER 25 define TARGET_GALAXY_RED 5 define TARGET_GALAXY 6 define TARGET_GALAXY_BIG 7 define TARGET_GALAXY_BRIGHT_CORE 8 define TARGET_ROSAT_A 9 define TARGET_ROSAT_B 10 define TARGET_ROSAT_C 11 define TARGET_ROSAT_D 12 define TARGET_STBHB 13 define TARGET_STCARBON 14 define TARGET_STBROWN_DWARF 15 define TARGET_STSUB_DWARF 16 define TARGET_STCATY_VAR 17 define TARGET_STRED_DWARF 18 define TARGET_STWHITE_DWARF 19 define TARGET_SERENDIP_BLUE 20 define TARGET_SERENDIP_FIRST 21 define TARGET_SERENDIP_RED 22 define TARGET_SERENDIP_DISTANT 23 define TARGET_SERENDIP_MANUAL 24 #Flags for secondary target define TTARGET_LIGHT_TRAP 0 define TTARGET_REDDEN_STD 1 define TTARGET_TEST_TARGET 2 define TTARGET_QA_TARGET 3 define TTARGET_SKY 4 define TTARGET_SPECTROPHOTO_STD 5 define TTARGET_GUIDE_STAR 6 define TTARGET_BUNDLE_HOLE 7 define TTARGET_QUALITY_HOLE 8 define TTARGET_HOT_STD 9 #Photo's flags define OBJ1_CANONICAL_CENTER 0 define OBJ1_BRIGHT 1 define OBJ1_EDGE 2 define OBJ1_BLENDED 3 define OBJ1_CHILD 4 define OBJ1_PEAKCENTER 5 define OBJ1_NODEBLEND 6 define OBJ1_NOPROFILE 7 define OBJ1_NOPETRO 8 define OBJ1_MANYPETRO 9 define OBJ1_NOPETRO_BIG 10 define OBJ1_DEBLEND_TOO_MANY_PEAKS 11 define OBJ1_CR 12 define OBJ1_MANYR50 13 define OBJ1_MANYR90 14 define OBJ1_BAD_RADIAL 15 define OBJ1_INCOMPLETE_PROFILE 16 define OBJ1_INTERP 17 define OBJ1_SATUR 18 define OBJ1_NOTCHECKED 19 define OBJ1_SUBTRACTED 20 define OBJ1_NOSTOKES 21 define OBJ1_BADSKY 22 define OBJ1_PETROFAINT 23 define OBJ1_TOO_LARGE 24 define OBJ1_DEBLENDED_AS_PSF 25 define OBJ1_DEBLEND_PRUNED 26 define OBJ1_ELLIPFAINT 27 define OBJ1_BINNED1 28 define OBJ1_BINNED2 29 define OBJ1_BINNED4 30 define OBJ1_MOVED 31 define OBJ1_DETECTED 32 define OBJ2_DEBLENDED_AS_MOVING 0 define OBJ2_NODEBLEND_MOVING 1 define OBJ2_TOO_FEW_DETECTIONS 2 define OBJ2_BAD_MOVING_FIT 3 define OBJ2_STATIONARY 4 define OBJ2_PEAKS_TOO_CLOSE 5 define OBJ2_MEDIAN_CENTRE 6 define OBJ2_LOCAL_EDGE 7 define OBJ2_BAD_COUNTS_ERROR 8 define OBJ2_BAD_MOVING_FIT_CHILD 9 define OBJ2_DEBLEND_UNASSIGNED_FLUX 10 define OBJ2_SATUR_CENTER 11 define OBJ2_INTERP_CENTER 12 define OBJ2_DEBLENDED_AT_EDGE 13 define OBJ2_DEBLEND_NOPEAK 14 define OBJ2_PSF_FLUX_INTERP 15 define OBJ2_TOO_FEW_GOOD_DETECTIONS 16 define OBJ2_CENTER_OFF_AIMAGE 17 define OBJ2_DEBLEND_DEGENERATE 18 define OBJ2_BRIGHTEST_GALAXY_CHILD 19 define OBJ2_CANONICAL_BAND 20 define OBJ2_AMOMENT_FAINT 21 define OBJ2_AMOMENT_SHIFT 22 define OBJ2_AMOMENT_MAXITER 23 define OBJ2_MAYBE_CR 24 define OBJ2_MAYBE_EGHOST 25 define OBJ2_NOTCHECKED_CENTER 26 #Flags for object status define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_SET 0 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_GOOD 1 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_DUPLICATE 2 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_RUN 4 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_RESOLVED 5 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_PSEGMENT 6 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_FIRST_FIELD 8 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_SCANLINE 9 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_STRIPE 10 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_SECONDARY 12 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_PRIMARY 13 define AR_OBJECT_STATUS_TARGET 14 #Flags for object type define TYPE_UNK 0 define TYPE_CR 1 define TYPE_DEFECT 2 define TYPE_GALAXY 3 define TYPE_GHOST 4 define TYPE_KNOWNOBJ 5 define TYPE_STAR 6 define TYPE_TRAIL 7 define TYPE_SKY 8 #This run is part of the Equatorial stripe in the Northern Galactic #Cap. It was part of the EDR, but has been reprocessed here with the #latest versions of the imaging pipelines. This assumes the #definition of a data directory, assigned to the variable data_dir define run 756 define rerun 20 # The following will be used to do aperture photometry based on the # measured radial profiles. The quantity profileRadii is the # outer radius of the radii within which the radial profiles are # measured. set profileRadii={0 0.564190 1.692569 2.585442 4.406462 \ 7.506054 11.576202 18.584032 28.551561 45.503910 \ 70.510155 110.530769 172.493530 269.519104 420.510529 \ 652.500061} set profileRadii = profileRadii*0.396 #Convert to arcsec set ii = 1, (dimen(profileRadii)-1) set area = PI*(profileRadii[ii]**2 - profileRadii[ii-1]**2) do column = 1, 6 { do frame = 11, 800 { define run_s (sprintf('%06d',$run) define frame_s (sprintf('%04d',$frame)) define file_name "tsObj-$run_s-$column-$rerun-$frame_s.fit" table 1 "$!data_dir/$!column/$!file_name" #The basic command in SM for reading fits binary tables is the #following: 'read table'. See the data model for a full description #of each of the quantities read here. Note that many of the #quantities come in fives, one each for each of the five bands #(u g r i z, corresponding to indices 0 1 2 3 4). The command here #reads in only a small fraction of all the outputs available for each #object. read table {run rerun camCol field id objc_rowc objc_colc status \ rowv rowvErr colv colvErr psfCounts[0-4] psfCountsErr[0-4] \ objc_type objc_flags objc_flags2 flags[0-4] flags2[0-4] \ reddening[0-4] ra dec primTarget secTarget} #These are the radial profiles, 15 numbers in each of 5 bands. read table {profMean[0-74] profErr[0-74]} #This calculates aperture magnitudes in the five bins (in this case, #going out to the 7th radial bin, i.e., a radius of 7.4 arcsec). set dimen(apmag) = 5 set apmagerr = apmag do band = 0, 4 { set apmag[$band] = 0 set apmagerr[$band] = 0 do aperture = 0, 6 { set apmag[$band] = apmag[$band] + \ profMean$(15*$band + $aperture)[jj[0]]*area[$aperture] set apmagerr[$band] = apmagerr[$band] + \ (profErr$(15*$band + $aperture)[jj[0]]*area[$aperture])**2 }} # That result is in maggies. Here we convert to magnitudes again: # (note that this is not expressed in asinh magnitudes; it should be). set apmagerr = 2.5*sqrt(apmagerr)/apmag/ln(10) set apmag = (apmag < 0)?(25.):(-2.5*lg(apmag)) #The status flag within the tsObj file gives information to allow a #unique set of objects to be selected; i.e., objects that are have #'primary' status have all the book-keeping of the overlaps between #frames, scanlines, runs, and stripes worked out. In brief, you want #to include objects flagged as 'primary'. Objects flagged as #'OK_STRIPE' don't take into account the overlap between adjacent #stripes; this may be useful if you are considering one stripe at a #time, in particular, at the edge of the DR1 area. # Note that 'is_set(x,y)' returns a 1 if the y'th bit is set in x, # and 0 otherwise. set primary = is_set(status,$AR_OBJECT_STATUS_PRIMARY) set ok_stripe = is_set(status,$AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_STRIPE) There is a set of all-important flags output by the pipeline that describe the processing; look here for their meaning.
# Here we reject objects that are flagged BRIGHT (a duplicate entry in
# the photo outputs), SATURATED (for which the photometry will clearly 
# be unreliable, EDGE (i.e., touching the edge of a frame) or BLENDED
# (we want the child entries).  On the latter, an object can be noted
# as a composite (BLENDED), but for a variety of reasons, will not be
# deblended.   Note that some of these cuts are redundant
# with the status=primary selection above; in particular, no BRIGHT
# objects are flagged primary.  Note that some of these definitions
# here use objc_flags (overall flags based on the union of flags from
# the five bands), and some use flags from one band (i.e., flags3
# refers to the i-band in this example).  There are enough flag bits
# that they don't all fit into a single parameter, thus the
# distinction between objc_flags and objc_flags2, and flags3 and
# flags23.

	  set bright = is_set(objc_flags,$OBJ1_BRIGHT)
	  set saturated = is_set(flags3,$OBJ1_SATUR)
	  set edge = is_set(objc_flags,$OBJ1_EDGE)
	  set blended = is_set(objc_flags,$OBJ1_BLENDED)
	  set nodeblend = is_set(objc_flags,$OBJ1_NODEBLEND)

# In the example here, we wish to select a sample of objects observed 
# at i; we clearly want to confirm that it is detected in i!

	  set detected = is_set(flags3,$OBJ1_BINNED1)

# These are empirical cuts we've found are effective for rejecting
# small bits of fluff that often appear on deblending large objects;
# such objects are often assigned strange colors.  These are explained 
# in more detail in the quasar target selection algorithm paper
# (Richards et al 2002). 

	  set deblending_problems = (is_set(flags3,$OBJ1_PEAKCENTER)|| \
				     is_set(flags3,$OBJ1_NOTCHECKED)|| \
				     is_set(flags23,$OBJ2_DEBLEND_NOPEAK)|| \
	  set interp_problems = (is_set(flags23,$OBJ2_PSF_FLUX_INTERP)|| \

#  Here is a logical variable that is 1 for sources that are clean in
#  the sense described above. 
	  set clean = (detected && !edge && !saturated && primary && \
		!blended && !bright &&!deblending_problems && !interp_problems)

#  Correction for Galactic reddening (following Schlegel, Finkbeiner,
#  and Davis 1998) is straightforward!
	  set iMag = psfCounts3 - reddening3

#  Star-galaxy separation is done based on the difference between the
#  psf and model magnitudes; if this is greater than 0.142 in a given
#  band, then the quantity 'type' is set to 3; otherwise, it is set to
#  6.   objc_type is global over the five bands; it is based on the
#  sum of psf and model fluxes over the five bands. 

	  set star = (objc_type==$TYPE_STAR)

#  This velocity is based on the change in astrometric position
#  between the five bands (observed in the order r i u z g over a
#  span of roughly five minutes.  Main-belt asteroids move by several
#  arcsec in that time; the criteria here is to reject such objects. 

	  set velocity = sqrt(rowv**2 + colv**2)
	  set velsig = sqrt((rowv/rowvErr)**2 + (colv/colvErr)**2)

	  set moving = (velocity > 0.2 || velsig > 3)

# As described in the quasar target selection paper, there are some 
# bad columns in the data that never properly got masked, which can
# give rise to spurious unusual-colored objects.  Here is a filter
# for rejecting them. 

	  set bad_col = ($column==2&&objc_colc<1461&&objc_colc>1451)||\
	  set clean = clean&&star&&!moving&&!bad_col

# The following defines some flags related to target selection.  Note
# that if you are using the BEST tsObj files, this will be based on
# the current version of the target selection code; some of the
# targets may not have been flagged for observation with earlier
# reductions, and therefore will not have spectroscopic observations. 

# The CAP and SKIRT quasar target algorithms are the same; this is a
# remnant of a time when we thought we would need separate algorithms in
# regions of high and low stellar density. 

set qso_first = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_QSO_FIRST_CAP) || \
set qso_loz = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_QSO_CAP) || \
set qso_hiz = is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_QSO_HIZ) 
set qso_optical = (qso_loz || qso_hiz)
#This is the union of all targetted quasar candidates. 
set qso = (qso_first || qso_optical)

#The qso_mag_outlier and qso_reject objects are *not* targetted; 
#these are outliers in the stellar locus that are either outside
#the quasar magnitude limits, or are in regions with contamination
from non-quasars (such as white dwarfs). 

set qso_mag_outlier = is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_QSO_MAG_OUTLIER)
set qso_reject = is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_QSO_REJECT)

#This selects objects targetted as LRG's.  Note that they come in two
#categories (see Eisenstein et al 2001 for the details). 
set lrg = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_GALAXY_RED) || \

#This is the main galaxy sample.  GALAXY_BIG and GALAXY_BRIGHT_CORE
#objects are very rare; most are not real galaxies. 
set main_gal = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_GALAXY) || \
	   is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_GALAXY_BIG) || \

#  These are untiled set of targets. 
set rosat = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_ROSAT_A) || \
	     is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_ROSAT_B) || \
	     is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_ROSAT_C) || \
	     is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_ROSAT_D) || \
set star = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STBHB) || \
	    is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STCARBON) || \
	    is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STBROWN_DWARF) || \
	    is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STSUB_DWARF) || \
	    is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STCATY_VAR) || \
	    is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_STRED_DWARF) || \

# These are blank areas of sky, appropriate for placing a sky fiber. 
set sky = is_set(secTarget,$TTARGET_SKY)

#Various categories of serendipity targets, untiled. 
set serendip = (is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_SERENDIP_BLUE) || \
	        is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_SERENDIP_FIRST) || \
		is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_SERENDIP_RED) || \
		is_set(primTarget,$TARGET_SERENDIP_DISTANT) || \

#Various types of standard stars. 
set standard_star = (is_set(secTarget,$TTARGET_REDDEN_STD) || \
		is_set(secTarget,$TTARGET_SPECTROPHOTO_STD) || \