MaNGA Pipe3D value added catalog

We describe here the dataproducts and catalogues extracted from the MaNGA SDSS-IV datacubes using the pyPipe3D pipeline (and improved version of Pipe3D fully transcribed to python). Those dataproducts are the result of the analysis of the stellar populations and ionized gas described in detail in the following articles:

Sánchez et al. 2016a, RevMex, 52, 21

Sánchez et al. 2016b, RevMex, 52, 171

Sánchez et al. 2018 , RevMex, 54, 217

Sánchez et al. 2022, ApJS, 262(2), 36 (for DR17)

An update on the procedures can be find in the pyPipe3D webpage and Lacerda et al. (2022, NewA, 97, 101895).

The DR17 Value Added Catalog comprises a single FITS file per galaxy/datacube within the current MaNGA data release (v3_1_1). Each datacube (*.Pipe3D.cube.fits.gz) comprises now eight extensions: the first extension corresponds to the header of the original cube (including the World Coordinate System WCS), then; the following six extensions correspond to a set of datacubes (FITS files Data Model), containing stellar population properties, star formation decomposition, stellar absorption line indices, and three extension including the properties of the emission lines; finally, two additional extensions includes a foreground star mask based on Gaia, and a mask of the region in which the stellar population analysis is still valid.

In addition to the individual FITS files for each galaxy, we also provide a single table with one entry per galaxy, comprising the integrated properties of those galaxies (e.g., stellar mass, star-formation rate), and the characteristic values (e.g., oxygen abundance at the effective radius), together with relevant information about the galaxy (e.g., ionization conditions in the center of the galaxy), and a quality flag indicating if the information is useful or not. A detailed description can be found in the Catalog Data Model. In addition, this FITS file contains the SSP-template adopted to analyze the data. This template, based on the MaStar stellar library, and generated using the GALEV code (Bruzual & Charlot), comprises 39 ages and 7 metallicities.

In total we provide the described dataproducts for 10,243 out of 10,245 galaxy cubes included in DR17. The remaining ones have issues with the data (low S/N, masked areas, problems with the spectrophotometric calibration), therefore the pipeline fails when trying to analyze them. In addition we have a set of cubes/galaxies for which the fitting presents some problem or we are not satisfied with the quality in general. Therefore, in the catalogue of integrated/characteristic properties there is a total of 10,243 galaxies, with the same number of dataproducts cubes in the VAC.

Example of the dataproducts

The following figure shows the distribution along the so-called Star Formation main sequence (actually the Hα Luminosity vs. the Stellar Mass) for a subset of galaxies included in this distribution. In each panel, each galaxy is represented by the two dimensional distribution of a particular property of the galaxy. From top-left to bottom-right: (1) the light distribution in the u, g and r-band, (2) the light distribution in [OIII], Hα and [NII], (3) the light-weighted age distribution, (4) the stellar velocity map, (5) the ionized gas velocity map, and (6) the distribution of stellar metallicity. Click on an individual panel to enlarge.

Quality Control

A visual inspection was applied to (1) the integrated spectrum (15 arcsec/diameter) and best fitted model, and (2) the continuum and emission line maps, as shown below, in order to identify critical/evident problems that may affect the quality of the data for the ~10,200 analyzed datacubes. An example of those plots is shown below. When there is a clear issue with the data or the fitting, the galaxy/cube is marked and it is removed from the list.

Example of the best fitted model to the central spectrum for a MaNGA galaxy From left to right: (1) SDSS g,r,i image; (2) MaNGA g,r,i image; (3) [OIII], Hα, [NII] emission line intensity image

Note: Similar plots can be found for all the galaxies in the following location.

In addition to the visual inspection, to test the accuracy of the derived quantity we have performed a few very simple comparisons between the quantities derived by Pipe3D and that included in the NSA catalogue, including two basic parameters, the integrated stellar mass and the redshift:

Left-panel: Comparison between the stellar masses derived by the NSA and Pipe3D. Most masses agree within ~0.24 dex (1-sigma), with only 43 galaxies being out by more than 2 sigma. The mean offset between both datasets is 0.07 dex, corresponding to the difference between the adopted cosmologies and the differences in initial mass functions (IMFs). Right-panel: Comparison between the redshift derived using the stellar information by Pipe3D and the one listed in the NSA catalog. An offset of 80 km/s (z_NSA-z_Pipe3D) is observed. A total of 28 outliers are found in this comparison (all of them producing differences in the stellar mass too).

In general the number of galaxies with clear offsets between the NSA and the Pipe3D results is small (~1%), and so far the nature of these discrepancies are not clear. More comparisons are foreseen in future analysis.

In addition we consider in the QC information a warning to all galaxies that present: (a) a clear AGN contamination that affects the fitting; (b) the presence of a strong foreground star that may affect the results (we created a mask for the brightest ones, based on Gaia EDR3); (c) some issues with the fitting that do not affect the main properties. In total, 392 galaxies/cubes present some kind of warning. All the QC information is now included in the catalog file as a new entry named QCFLAG.

Access to the data

The different dataproducts can be downloaded from the following links:

  • Full set of individual FITS files, sorted per plate: SDSS-IV Pipe3D link, with data models available here.
  • Catalogue of derived quantities for the galaxies, with data model available here.

Previous versions of Pipe3D VAC

We recommend that you always use the latest version of the Pipe3D VAC, which is the DR17 VAC described on this page. The DR15 and DR14 versions of this VAC are still available, and described on the DR15 and DR14 websites, respectively. Note that the format of the VAC has changed between data releases.


These dataproducts are freely offered to the community. If you make use of these data products, we only request that you include the following line in the acknowledgements: This project makes use of the MaNGA-Pipe3D dataproducts. We thank the IA-UNAM MaNGA team for creating this catalogue, and the Conacyt Project CB-285080 for supporting them., and to cite the following papers: Lacerda et al. (2022), and Sánchez et al. (2022) (paper presenting the DR17 VAC described on this webpage).