In addition to the primary SDSS photometry and spectroscopy, there are a few extra catalogs created by our collaborators that are distributed through the SAS. These Value-Added Catalogs (VACs) are listed below, and include catalogs that were released in earlier data releases.
Portsmouth Stellar Kinematics and Emission Line Fluxes
Stellar kinematics and emission line fluxes of BOSS galaxies, derived by the Portsmouth group.
Catalog Data
The Portsmouth stellar kinematics and emission-line flux measurements of Thomas et al. (2013) are based on adaptations of the publicly available codes Penalized PiXel Fitting (pPXF, Cappellari & Emsellem 2004) and Gas and Absorption Line Fitting code (GANDALF v1.5; Sarzi et al. 2006) to calculate stellar kinematics and to derive emission line properties. GANDALF fits stellar population and Gaussian emission line templates to the galaxy spectrum simultaneously to separate stellar continuum and absorption lines from the ionized gas emission. Stellar kinematics are evaluated by pPXF where the line-of-sight velocity distribution is fitted directly in pixel space. The code further determines the kinematics of the gas (velocity and velocity dispersion) and measures emission line fluxes and equivalent widths (EWs) on the resulting Gaussian emission line template.
Catalog last modified: 2021-12-06 07:36:54