Value Added Catalogs

In addition to the primary SDSS photometry and spectroscopy, there are a few extra catalogs created by our collaborators that are distributed through the SAS. These Value-Added Catalogs (VACs) are listed below, and include catalogs that were released in earlier data releases.

Swift-MaNGA Value Added Catalog

Scientific Analysis Catalog

Catalog of SWIFT UV photometry and resolution-matched images and spectral property maps for a subset of MaNGA DR17 galaxies.

Mallory Molina, Laura Duffy, Michael Eracleous, Mary Ogborn, Mary E. Kaldor, Renbin Yan, Caryl Gronwall, Robin Ciardullo, Nikhil Ajgaonkar


While the MaNGA survey provides high-resolution optical IFU spectroscopy necessary to study star formation and quenching, the lack of simultaneous ultraviolet (UV) information with a resolution that matches MaNGA limits the questions that can be addressed with this data, particularly about dust and star formation and its quenching. In order to facilitate studies that require UV coverage with matching spatial resolution, we now present an updated SwiM catalog, SwiM_v4.2, which comprises 559 galaxies and is ~4 times larger than SwiM_v3.1 released in DR15. SwiM_v4.2 is based on the DR17 MaNGA catalog, and includes both archival and dedicated Swift/UVOT observations. Besides a catalog that includes the integrated photometry from Swift, this VAC also includes a large number of emission line and spectral indices maps, Swift UVOT images (uvw1, uvw2, and uvm2), SDSS ugriz images, all matched to the same angular resolution and spatial sampling as the uvw2 band. This will allow spatially resolved studies with consistent binning and resolution across UV and optical imaging, and optical spectroscopy. For the Lick indices maps, we adopted the older definition (Burstein et al. 1984; Faber et al. 1985) to define the continuum, which would allow more convenient spatial binning and comparison with composite stellar population model. In addition to the above, SwiM_v4.2 has the following new and updated files: (1) the catalog file, (2) the maps and (3) the emission-line detection file. (1) The catalog file includes basic properties of the galaxies as well as integrated Swift photometry. The only formatting difference between the original and new SwiM catalog data model is the addition of the quality bitmask DRP3QUAL, originally presented in the MaNGA drpall file. (2) The maps files include SDSS images, Swift/UVOT images and MaNGA IFU maps that are transformed to the same WCS, spatial resolution and spatial sampling. The only formatting difference between the original and new maps is the addition of the 13 new lines that were not presented in the MaNGA DR15 catalog. (3) The emission-line detection file is new to SwiM_v4.2. For each galaxy, we provide the fraction of science-ready pixels in each MaNGA emission-line map. Details on how to use all of these files can be found in the data model and in Molina et al. (2023). We recommend that you always use the latest updated catalog (DR17), but the older DR15 version of the SWIFT-MaNGA catalog, SwiM_v3.1, is still available. The DR15 version of this VAC contains 150 galaxies, and is available here. The content of this catalog is described in the data model available here, and in Molina et al. 2020b. Please note: a previous DR17 version 4.1 of this VAC was initially released, but has since then been found to contain a few bugs. We strongly recommend using the newly updated version 4.2 of this VAC instead. A detailed description of changes made between the two versions can be found in the v4.2 data models.

Catalog last modified: 2024-04-02 03:01:23

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